The amount of gear that now fits in a small bag is amazing. In a Lowepro Format TLZ 10, which is made to take a mirrorless camera and a couple of memory cards, I'm actually fitting: - the camera with a lens hood attached; - an extra battery; - the infrared remote control; - a polarizing filter; - the EVF-DC2 viewfinder; - a microscopic tripod.
Nothing is rattling or shaking around. The bag comes with an adjustable separator. I adjusted it all the way to one side and made a narrow compartment where I squeeze in the battery, the remote and the tripod. The filter and the viewfinder fit in the memory card pouches on the inside of the lid. Very easy to carry on a trip and doesn't get much in the way when sitting down at a restaurant. I feel like I had smaller cameras before that required bigger bags than this. You can also fit the entire 70-200 f4 IS with the EF adapter and the camera attached in a lens case. This one is a Camlink CLOB30. The width of the camera body fits with no problem, but the length is right on the limit to be able to close the zipper. Anyway, it works and it's a great way to carry the camera with a long lens, when you don't really want to take more stuff and don't need a backpack. Works great in the car, where there's no safe and soft place to put a camera and big lens. This case has a flat side and is well cushioned, so it's fine to put it in the trunk or a foot well.

I assume all this is also valid for the M, M10, M100 and M6. The mini tripod is a Joby GripTight ONE Micro Stand.