Aug 8, 2022Hike & BikeA few hours pushing the bike up the mountain and a few minutes of joy going down on an empty singletrack. GoPro stabilization had quite a...
Apr 16, 2022StrandafjelletHike on snowshoes to Roaldshornet, at the top of Strandafjellet ski resort, Stranda, Norway. Canon M3
Aug 28, 2021Geiranger, Gudbrandsjuvet, TrollstigenSome attractions on the way from Geiranger to Trollstigen.
May 17, 2021Eiskremheia and StorheiaPhotos from a hike to 2 peaks on the same ridge, Eiskremheia and Storheia, Norway.
May 16, 2021Ferry dockingNew upload on YouTube. Ferry docking while recording the audio with a Zoom R8 and North GNC40 stereo pair microphones. GoPro Hero6 Black.
Jan 10, 2021Konica MGFirst roll on a recently acquired Konica MG. Ilford XP2 Super 400 developed at home.
Oct 6, 2020FlåmA trip to Flåm, Norway. Up the mountain on the scenic train to Myrdal and back down on bicycle on an old road with more goats than...
Oct 4, 2020Loen SkyliftA trip up the cable car and a hike on the mountain top in Loen, Stryn, Norway. You can see Kjenndalsbreen glacier on some of the...